
A new round of funding amidst global crisis

In the years since its founding, Topia has become the leading Global Talent Mobility platform. We’ve acquired three companies, added offices around the globe, helped organizations deploy tens of thousands of people, and dramatically expanded and improved on our offering in the marketplace. Yesterday’s Series D investment announcement affirms what we at Topia already know to be true, that the future of work continues to be global and mobile – and delivering a great experience for your employees matters now more than ever. 

Closing a funding round now is of particular note. With COVID-19 impacting nearly every corner of the map, these are trying times for businesses and the people that power them. It can be viewed as a particularly uncertain time for global mobility, which revolves around the movement of people across borders. However, what we have seen from our customers is while the deployment of talent has temporarily halted, the planning for resource allocation and how businesses will execute plans globally continues. Savvy organizations know that when the world collectively overcomes this pandemic, those that are ready and able to mobilize their workforce with operational efficiency, data maturity, regulatory compliance, and a great experience for employees will be able to better compete on a global scale. The movement of employees will come back, but how companies go about deploying talent will need to be smarter, more efficient, and increasingly agile. 

Topia’s Global Talent Mobility platform enables companies to deploy talent to meet business needs leveraging an increasingly diverse mix of talent mobility (short and long term assignments, one-way transfers, business travel, and more) to meet the agile nature of the future of work. Global events like COVID-19 and Brexit highlight the need for instant and accurate employee data (Where are our employees? How long have they been in a location? Whom can we move and where?), which Topia’s platform provides. And the modern, fast-paced approach to decision making and execution necessitates a single integrated platform for global talent mobility, which Topia delivers. 

What’s next for Topia? This new round of funding will enable us to drive continued innovation in our global talent mobility platform and expand our go-to-market activities to meet the needs of leading global enterprises. To see Topia’s platform in action, click here to request a demo. You can also find yesterday’s funding announcement here.