
Provide the Benefits Your Employees Actually Want and Need

Relocating for a job is about more than just work.  An employee’s life changes regarding where they call home, what they do for a living, and who they socialize with. Simplifying the relocation process allows employees to spend their time, resources, and energy settling into their new home and role rather than worrying about move logistics.

When relocating an employee, the goal for the company should be to ensure the expat feels supported and ready to focus on their new role. Providing a mobility program tailored to individual needs – beyond monetary compensation – increases the likelihood for success of employee assignments.

Growing Appetites for Assignment

Proper international experience is not a few nights spent abroad attending meetings- it is facing the same challenges locals face on a daily basis. It is immersing yourself in a foreign business environment and developing the problem-solving and management skills that your new role demands. Global mobility tests employee’s abilities while providing greater perspective on the organization’s operations and develops future leaders.

Personal and professional growth from international assignments is significant. Millennial’s recognize the value of these experiences and demand more global opportunities. As a result of these preferences and global business need, HR and mobility teams are burdened with logistical challenges at a greater volume and complexity than ever before.

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The Importance of Flexibility

Mobile employee profiles are diverse. The stereotypical expat consisting of a white middle aged male, with a small family, and stay-at-home spouse has changed; relocation services provided must change too. Today, the mix of individuals range generationally, ethically, and professionally – and with that comes varying individual demands. Cookie cutter relocation packages no longer work.

As an expat, do you want to be flooded with information irrelevant to your circumstance, or benefits that don’t fit your needs? Core/flex policies curate user relative benefits while ensuring each expat receives necessary support and assistance tailored to their case. Individualized benefits allow for smooth transitions and success in their new role which is advantageous for both the company and its employee.


Finding the right balance

While pet shipping may be the main concern for one expat, spouse career assistance may be high priority for someone else, and enrolling one’s children in the best school system may be crucial for another. Whatever the case, Global Mobility Management (GMM) solutions allow companies to foster a positive expat experience by leveraging technology to offer the right relocations benefits where it really matters.

A streamlined, technological approach is the only way to provide tailored support for employees. GMM functions enable flexible policies while freeing up HR time to work one-on-one with expats, discuss what benefits their situations require, and take necessary action cost consciously. While covering the monetary cost of a move is important, the right  services weigh heavier on employee’s experience, and ultimately, the success of an assignment.


The Bigger Picture

Investing in a GMM solution is investing in the value of employees. Expats will bring their experiences back home and use them in a way that to improve their work, the company culture, and future endeavors.

Assistance and expectation setting before relocation allows employees to begin their journey on a confident note. With a limited talent pool in today’s employee market, relocation is more of a necessity for companies across industries to get top talent in the right place. Positive expat experiences grow the pool of employees willing to relocate and fill the talent gaps your company faces.

Topia’s GMM solution provides a framework that can be tailored to individual employees to optimize their experiences and productivity, benefiting both the organization and its expat. Want to know more about Topia’s approach to supporting mobile employees? To learn more about how Topia’s streamlined services foster a positive employee experience view our on-demand webinar featuring Topia Go here.