
Moving Mobility into the Future

I am incredibly honored to be invited to serve as Topia’s new CEO. I strongly believe that Topia is at a critical juncture, uniquely positioned to expand our role as the undisputable champion of enabling business growth through global mobility.

When Brynne first approached me about coming on as CEO, I was both humbled and elated. It’s a tall order to take the reins of a company that its founder and her outstanding team have built from the ground up. The fact that Topia has defined an entirely new HR solutions category, essentially carving out its place at the top of a $32 billion industry, is a testament to the vision, innovation and customer focus that has enabled Topia to thrive.

Because of this strong foundation, I am thrilled to come on board to lead Topia into its next phase of growth, expansion and owning the market for global mobility management technology.

As we all know, global mobility is a key ingredient in business growth, but it’s also a formidable challenge for many companies. I’ve personally experienced the pain points that come with moving people around—not only the logistics, but also the risks involved in compliance and poor employee experience. Companies are most often moving their top performers, and when they have a negative experience, it can send these high-value employees looking for the door. That’s a risk no company can afford to take in today’s competitive talent market.

What I love about Topia’s solution is that it solves problems at both ends of the equation. It makes life easier for the HR teams tasked with managing strategic relocation, and it eases the transition for employees on the move. It’s clearly a win-win, which has become a strong differentiator for Topia’s approach and its technology.

As you may know, I’ve had an extensive career in executive-level management, including 4 years at Saba Software, which positioned me directly in the heart of the HR tech space just as cloud-based solutions were really taking off. I’ve also been in the unique position to lead both public and private companies, and I’ve served as an advisor and board member to several high-growth tech firms. (You can learn more about my background here.)

Topia is driving an evolution in global talent management. Through aggressive innovation, our platform is changing the way companies recruit, hire and position employees to achieve both business and individual professional growth.

As we embark on this next phase of Topia’s journey together, I’m excited to not only own the market by setting the industry standard but also to accelerate Topia’s expansion, to move mobility into the future by exceeding our customers’ expectations.